It always amazes me how fast autumn arrives; suddenly the air is crisper, the sky bluer and the mornings noticeably chillier. Our etsy shop is looking more autumnal as well... Halloween scraps, unique ribbons and trims perfect for costumes, running pumpkins. Here's a small sampling:
And in the yard: another palm was transplanted yesterday, more soil has been shifted around, lighting is starting to go in and there's a large tree fern that's coming out this weekend. Also, we're trying to decide which color blue to paint the wall. Pictures are coming soon!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Very cool things. I am going to go check out your store. I love the picture of the two girls at the charming!!!
P.S. Come and visit our blog if you would like. We love vintage clothing and vintage jewelry. My daughter and I make upcycled jewelry together. Right now I am getting some swaps ready and there are pictures of Prague and Croatia. We leave on Monday and are here for our exchange student son's wedding!
LOVE fall, there's delicious food, weather, and the colors are gorgeous!!